May 27, 2015 @ 12:00am

We all make mistakes on the road, whether it's a fender bender, driving too fast for the conditions or just being less cautious than we should be.

Very rarely these mistakes can be life-altering and result in the loss of a life.  If you ever are in the unfortunate circumstances of being the blamed party of a wrongful death claim, you'll want to be protected to the fullest.

What is a wrongful death claim? It's a lawsuit brought on by the surviving family members and/or loved ones of the person who was killed as a result of someone else's negligent behavior.

A good insurance agent will suggest coverage amounts that will provide you with adequate protection in case something goes terribly wrong.  In the state of Wisconsin, it's smart to be sure that your wrongful death coverage is a minimum of $500,000.

This minimum amount is recommended because in Wisconsin, the maximum amount you are liable for is $500,000 for the death of a child and $350,000 for the death of an adult.  Whatever happens, you'll be covered and won't go bankrupt because of your mistake.

It's unlikely that you'll ever be a part of a wrongful death claim, but we have insurance to protect us from unlikely situations that life brings.  With the minimum coverage of $500,000 you can sleep easy knowing you and your possessions are protected.

There are many other ways to gain peace of mind, too -- next month we'll discuss umbrella policies and how it can protect your future and your assets.

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