Schwarz Insurance Blog

May 18, 2015

We all love a good deal.  Buy one pizza, get one free.  Thrift-store jeans that fit perfectly.  Happy Hour.

But when it comes to some things, you have to remember the phrase "You get what you pay for."  For most people, their vehicle is one of the most expensive items they why would you skimp on protecting one of your largest investments?

When shopping for vehicle insurance, shopping by cost alone is a mistake.  Choosing the cheapest car insurance usually means:

  • Minimal coverage and minimal protection.  Most states do require a minimum liability coverage you must carry, but it's just that - the minimum.  Consider how little the minimum will help you if you have an unexpected accident, and how much it could end up costing you out of your own pocket if you are sued.  Isn't it worth spending a relatively small amount more each month to better protect yourself against losing what you want in the future?
  • Really high deductibles.  Choosing really high deductibles will save you money, but can you really afford to pay that high deductible if you or someone else damages your car? Sometimes a $500 collision deductible costs only a few dollars each month more than a $1,000 deductible.  So when you don't see that concrete post until after you back into it, or you walk out to the parking lot and find that someone has scraped the side of your car
May 07, 2015

Life Insurance CoveragesToday we're writing to you about an uncomfortable topic, but a very important one: life insurance.  It's likely that you already know that life insurance is a very important part of financial planning since it can help relieve your dependents of significant debt once you're gone.

But have you considered what kind of life insurance will be important to you once you become a homeowner? Buying a home is one of the biggest investments you'll ever make, and we're guessing you'll want to keep what you've worked so hard to in the family once you've passed.  Life insurance can help you ensure that happens.

Most people take out a mortgage when they buy a home.  What happens if you or your spouse dies and you can no longer make those mortgage payments? Something called a term life insurance policy could help relieve that stress and worry.  A term life insurance policy covers the policyholder for a specific amount of time, typically ranging anywhere from 10-30 years and increasing in five-year increments.  This type of insurance is popular with young, healthy people who are just starting out on their own - buying their first home and starting their families.  Plus, it's generally one of the most affordable life insurance policies, meaning that you'll be able to afford it while you pay off your mortgage.

Another option is a mortgage life insurance policy, which pays off your home mortgage in full if you die.  This may be a good

April 30, 2015

Let’s face it: being a first-time homebuyer can be a truly stressful experience. Even once you’ve found the home of your dreams – maybe a lakefront condominium in Madison, or a quiet cabin up North – and are ready to close on it, there are still a few hoops to jump through.

The biggest of these may be insuring your new home. We know, we know: the word insurance alone might make you shiver. But stay alert, because this is an important part of the homebuying process: virtually all mortgage lenders (including those in Wisconsin) require insurance coverage to protect their investment. That’s because if, say, a tree falls on your house and causes a great deal of damage, they’re the ones who will suffer the monetary loss.

And besides protecting your lender, you’ll of course be protecting yourself! A homeowner’s policy provides a great deal of benefits, covering costs to things like damage to the interior or exterior of your house; loss or damage to your personal belongings; personal liability for damage or injuries caused by you or your family (for example, if your pet injures a neighbor); and hotel or house rental should your home need to be repaired.

But what if you’re buying a condo? Insurance will work a little differently for you. Since you don’t own the entire building, you and the other unit owners share responsibility for the common complex areas (hallways, the pool, et

March 17, 2015

Boating SafetyWith warmer temperatures just around the corner, Wisconsinites are dreaming about getting their boats back out onto the lakes, but what they might not know is that not being prepared could cost them big time this summer. In 2013, the Coast Guard counted more than 4,000 boating accidents around the nation that involved 560 deaths, 2,620 injuries, and caused approximately $39 million dollars of damage to property. At Schwarz Insurance, we want to help keep you, your family and your boat safe this summer – that’s why we recommend that you take one of many boating safety classes being offered around Wisconsin right now.  

The facts surrounding boating deaths make a clear case for the importance of safety classes:

  • 77% of fatal boating accident victims drowned. Of those drowning victims, 84% were not wearing a life jacket.
  • 80% of deaths occurred on boats where the operator had not received boating safety instruction. Only 13% of deaths occurred on vessels where the operator had received boating safety instruction from a course that met the U.S. Coast Guard-recognized national standards.

Furthermore, anyone born on or after January 1st, 1989 is legally required to pass a boating safety class before they can drive a boat. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities this summer for you to get your son or daughter ready for the water (or even to brush up on your own skills!):

3/28/15 at S

February 04, 2015

Stop! In the name of love, have you insured that engagement ring?  What are you waiting for?  You may have spent a lifetime saving your pennies, just waiting for that perfect moment to ask that special someone to marry you.  The easiest way to protect your new investment is to get it insured.

How do I protect my engagement ring?

You have probably already taken the first step in protecting your investment by having a homeowners’ or renters’ insurance policy.  These policies usually cover your ‘stuff’ including your jewelry or items of greater value; the catch is this policy only covers jewelry if lost or stolen and there is a maximum amount that the insurance company will pay out.  That maximum may be far less than what your ring is worth.  When you buy something more expensive, such as an engagement ring, it is a good idea to give your insurance agent a call.  They will be able to schedule your ring or other special investment.  By scheduling your valuable items, you insure that you will be reimbursed for their appraised value and quality. In the event you lose a stone that is also covered.  A jeweler of your choosing would work with the appraisal to determine stone quality and replace your old stone with a stone of similar quality.  An additional bonus to scheduling these items is that no deductible applies if something were to happen.

How much does it cost?

You j

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